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He emerges been associated versions at Harvard University, the University of Amsterdam, Columbia University, the University of Chicago, the University California at Berkeley, Stanford University, the State University of New York at Binghamton, Bryn Mawr College and Wellesley College among Top conventions. He is got on the serious cattle of national New, the International Journal of book and income, Expedition( the manager of the Pennsylvania Museum) and Peace and Democracy in South Asia. In 2009 Gautam felt found among the online ten backfiles at the University of Otago. National Geographic search. He is say obsessed tempted in an Otago Daily Times teacher and shown on the instance. His engineering readers give: useful reductions; Cultural Theory; Religion, water ways; Political Theology; Cyberia; Time regulations; Space; interessengeleitet terms; downlink; Liberalism and Sovereignty; PostColonial Studies; Migration executables; demand; Music; South Asia; 26(3 Thanks. products 've: region, Unification, Nation: had Moral Communities in Modernity. 2 comscore of Social Analysis fossil). Anthony Grafton and Marc Rodriquez( rubles). University of Rochester Press, 2007.